Review: For Better or Worse

Author: Lauren Layne


In my most hopeless romantic state, I can tell you that I dream of finding a man who is as passionate in music as I am, intelligent, sweet, funny, and of course, yummy. (He he he). But then again the chances of having this daydream turn into reality is slim, or worse, none at all. Which is why I tend to lean on romance novels just to feed on my sentimental self. You bet I am always on the lookout for chick-lit novels whose characaters are, if not exactly, almost the same as the one I've been praying to meet. A novel that doesn't necessarily have to include typical ganster-type bad boys and timid, plain-Jane girls. 

Good thing I came across this novel and found the blurb interesting, and fair enough, it did not disappoint!

Whew, girl, I loved it!

So Heather Fowler, an assistant wedding planner and on her way to become an actual wedding planner, recently moved to her new apartment in New York. It has always been The Dream for as long as she can remember: find a career in Manhattan and be really good at it. Her schedule becomes hectic and at the end of the day all she just wants is a good night sleep but she can barely have it, not especially when his neighbor decides to play his loud music in the wee hours. Very hassle. So she decided to confront her neighbor and ask him if she could get back to her sleep uninterrupted and all could be well. What she wasn't expecting to find is a man in boxers, with abs displayed all for its glory, and greenish-blue eyes amused at the sight of her at his doorstep. It doesn't matter that this guy has charming crooked smile because after all sleep > any good-looking man (well, not really. But seriously). What happens next is a kiss to make Heather shut up, and there we have it, irritating interactions with the overly friendly neighbor in the succeeding days. 

Josh Tanner has a weird obsession with banana breads but it's so adorable I just love it is a cancer survivor who decided to quit his job as hedge fund manager and be part of the band Weathered Gentlemen (lol). His diagnosis certainly had affected his personal life. The choices he make are done just for the moment and whatever happens in the future would have to be dealt with on the day it comes. Most of the time, his thoughts are fun to explore, especially when he and Heather have endless exchange of banters. However, he is unconsciously lost too. He unconsciously struggles to find the one thing that can make him happy, contented, and whole again.

Do you guys sometimes get carried away when you read a certain part of a book and it definitely tugs at your heartstrings even though you know there is actually nothing you can compare it to in real life? Because Heather's conversation with her mother, as well as Josh's with his sister certainly did.
“But I don’t think that’s why you want me to come to New York so badly. You want me to come to New York so I can tell you that you’re doing the right thing, that you’ve made the right choices. So that I can reassure you that the goal you’ve been chasing all this time is the right one, and that you have everything you need to make you happy.”
“You don’t think I’m happy?” Heather asked.
“I think you’re on your way,” Joan said carefully. “But I think you know there’s a piece missing, and you’re hoping that I, or your boss, will assure you that you’re wrong.”

[..]“You’re looking for the same thing from her as you are from me. Validation.”

[..]“Her mom smoothed a hand over Heather’s hair, shoving the curls back. “I just worry you’re wanting the wrong thing. I worry you think happiness is your address and your job, and while those are important factors, you’ve pursued them at the expense of other things.”
That's a major selling point for me. I'm definitely down for a light read that could give me butterflies, but it's always the life lessons explained carefully that always get me.

Lauren Layne, I know you are not really checking feedbacks on the internet, but if by any chance you come across this review, I just want to say you do you, girl! I started the series with this one and I loved the drama, the humor, the characters, everything! I'd make sure to read the other two when I have time. Hopefully I'd love them just the same.


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