ARC Review: Perfect Harmony

Author: Emily Albright
Genre: Teens & YA, Romance
Release Date: September 25, 2018
Rating: ★★★★

Thank you, NetGalley, for providing me an ARC of this in exchange for an honest review.

This was so adorably cute!

Pippa Wyndham is a 17-year old top cellist and she definitely wouldn't want to settle for anything other than first chair. Determined to get into the most prestigious music college, that is Goddards, she makes sure that nothing else would become a stumbling block... but that's not until a new kid from the fancy New York conservatory shows up and poses a tough competition for her.

Declan Brogan is an overly confident young man, and not even Pippa could deny how great he is in playing the cello. He's as competitive as she is in getting first chair, and is willing to work just as hard to show her who's the better player. After being left with no other choice but to work with each other for a duet, Pippa and Declan then develop their rivalry into friendship, and possibly into young love.

Their romance, however, doesn't bloom so easily. Pippa worries this could all be a ploy for her to let her guard down and get her distracted when the challenge for first chair comes. This worries her even more, because Goddards accepts only the best. If she gets anything but first chair, her chances of getting to her dream school might be slim, or worst none at all. There is also her confusion on who she really has feelings for —is it Noah who she has been crushing on for as long as she can remember, or is it Declan who, surprisingly, she complements well with? On top of that, this budding romance could potentially put a strain on the friendship she has with Quinn. After all the issues that she's been dealing with lately, Pippa eventually realizes that the thing she's always had her eyes set on, perhaps, is not what she needs the most.

I greatly enjoyed reading this book! I found Pippa very likeable and admirable especially when it comes to her passion and dedication to music. I think it's also worth noting that she has a good sense of idea on the things she wants to accomplish in life. I could probably learn a thing or two from her, to be honest. Declan's character has its own charm, as well. Underneath his cocky personality is a warm, sincere, and gentle boy you wish you could keep in your life forever. The supporting characters are not doing so bad, either. Charisma is all over the place, and it's so nice to see how well they go together despite still having some differences. Lastly, I'd like to commend how skillfully contructed the words are. I was immensely absorbed by how beautifully they were strung together that it's so hard to put it down; I almost forgot the bacon I was cooking. There were just some preditable parts, but it's not really a big deal.

This is me after finishing this book. Oh yes, just like a giddy teenager; and I'm not even ashamed.


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