Review: Just the Sexiest Man Alive

Author: Julie James

This is the second Julie James novel I have read, and again, she delivers!

Of course it's not so much of a question how much I love female progatonists that are smart, funny, hardworking, charming, feisty, and so many other adjectives to describe how awesome they are. And that's exactly what Taylor Donovan is — a kickass! She is temporarily transferred to the LA branch of the law firm she works for, and along with the case she handles, she is tasked to work with none other than the hottest male actor in Hollywood, that is Jason Andrews, to help him prepare for his newest film.

Move over Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp, Leo DiCaprio! You guys can all choke 'cause this bad boy just got named The Sexiest Man Alive for the third time! And he actually thought his pretty looks are to his advantage especially when it comes to getting his way around Taylor, but no. If anything, she is pissed that he stood her up for two days when he's the one who's supposed to be asking her a favor. Surely, his charisma worked a little easily with supermodels, female celebrities, and just about the rest of the world, but Taylor is an exception, because she remains undeterred. Granted, his brilliant blue eyes and devilish smile seem to leave quite an impression on her. This indifference coming from Taylor amuses Jason and finds himself wanting her so much more, seeing how she puts him into place.

The story is cliché, to be honest, but I don't really care because Julie James writes with so much wit and humor; I was reading until 4 in the morning (considering I was tired and groggy from a 6-hour trip on the way home). The characters' quick banters are always so hilarious and the chemistry between the two is totally undeniable. I would also like to point out how James is a master when it comes to building sexual tension between characters but still knows how to leave us all hanging, just because, you know, she wants to tease. Practice Makes Perfect worked more appealing for me, but I still enjoyed this nonetheless.


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